NICHIAS contributes to the Earth’ s bright future through our Insulation and Protection technologies
NICHIAS commenced operations in 1896 as a pioneer in the areas of thermal insulation packing and gasket materials. During the past century we have engaged in a broad spectrum of activities encompassing sectors such as energy, petroleum and petrochemical plants, electronics, information and communications, automobiles, construction, housing, agriculture as well as urban development, environmental protection, and aerospace, and our technological capabilities have earned a very high evaluation and the confidence of users in all these sectors.


About the NICHIAS logo
In ancient times, the dragonfly was a symbol of Japan itself.
NICHIAS decided on the dragonfly trademark to reflect its vision of an exemplary Japanese company.
The trademark was offcially registered in 1923.
At that time, the dragonfly in the trademark was perched on the ground, but now it is flying towards the sky, mirroring our hopes for the future.
*All Products denoted with “TM” are trademarks of Nichias Corporation.
Using Distinctive Insulation and Anti-corrosion Technologies to Preserve the Natural Environment

Basic Stance on Environmental Activities
The NICHIAS Environmental Charter and NICHIAS Environmental Action Guidelines express a dedication to the development of environmentally friendly products that conserve resources and energy, as well as NICHIAS’ commitment to pursuing respectful management of the workings of nature and harmony with the global environment in all of its business activities.
Environmental Management
NICHIAS has actively promoted environmental conservation activities since the 1970s, establishing an Environmental Improvement Committee when environmental issues such as soot and wastewater first began to be widely discussed. To better organize these activities, NICHIAS took steps to obtain ISO 14001 and other environmental management certifications. As of July 2010, certification was completed or renewed at five of the Company’s factories, seven domestic subsidiaries and eight overseas subsidiaries, with activities under way to obtain certification for the entire NICHIAS Group.